The Mandarin Rap Podcast
is back!
Improve your spoken Chinese by rapping!
Episode #1
平衡生活 A Balanced Life
Learn how to talk about all those healthy things you should be doing
Episode #2
名人 Famous People
Learn how to talk about your favourite celebrity, without sounding like a stalker...
Episode #3
空闲时间 Free time
In this episode, we have a rap that shows you how to describe all that free time you wish you had.
Episode #4
老师 Teachers
In this episode, we have a rap to show you how to praise your Chinese teachers for all their great work!
Episode #5
自拍 Selfie
In this episode we tell you how to admit to spending hours of your time taking the perfect photo of yourself before sending it to your friends.
Episode #6
宅男 The Otaku
In this episode, find out how to admit to spending your entire life online.
Episode #7
大学 University
In this episode, find out how to talk about that enlightening-yet-expensive education you dream of.
Episode #8
关系 Relationships
In this episode, find out how to tell all your friends what they really mean to you.
Episode #9
9 社交 Socialising
In this episode, learn how to tell everyone what a social butterfly you are.
Episode #10
环保 Protecting the environment
In this episode, learn how to tell everyone to look after the Earth.
Lesson Transcript Coming Soon!
我们的目标 Our goals
为什么用中文说唱?!Why rap in Chinese?
Learning a language is a journey. There are all kinds of twists, turns, dead-ends and even accidents along the way. What keeps us learning is the enjoyment, which rapping delivers.
In Slovak there is a proverb: "The more languages you know, the more human you are". To speak another language, you need to loosen up and change your personality to adapt. Pretending to be a rapper helps you get through the awkwardness.
Speaking well requires lots of repetition. How can you make that fun, rather than repetitive and dull? By practising your rap until it sounds smooth.
Independence in learning
We learn languages to express our own ideas, not those suggested by a textbook, a teacher, or an exam. Get a theme, get an idea, and go write a rap about it. You'll find the words you need in the process.
This is how it feels to rap in Chinese!
媒体报道 Our media impact
我们天天努力啊!We're trying our best...
London's young people can rap...in Chinese!
Rapping up Mandarin!
Education + travel = a natural fit
Getting hungry while studying?!
© 2017